Ambe Vocoder Software Windows
Now available from NW Digital Radio, a USB based version of the popular DV3000 AMBE™ vocoder board. Murka ti moj murenochek noti dlya fortepiano 1. The new product is the ThumbDV™ (model number DV3000U) and is available for ordering for $119.95, plus applicable taxes and shipping.
DVstick30 The DVMEGA DVstick30 is the successor to the DVMEGA AMBE. The DVMEGA AMBE remains available because it has the possibility to convert analogue audio directly into AMBE data without the intervention of other hardware. The DVstick 30 is the perfect combination of the AMBE-3000™ vocoder and USB interface. Using BlueDV and the DVstick30 you can make a QSO without a radio. Game anak tk free download.
All you need is a Windows PC with soundcard, microphone, speaker and a DVMEGA DVstick 30. The communication speed can be set by means of hardware configuration.
This makes the DVstick 30 extremely flexible and backwards compatible with existing software such as Dummy Repeater and AMBE server. Technical data – USB 2.0 Full Speed compatible. – UART speed, configuration via Hardware, 28K8 – 460K8 – USB port powered. – DVSI’s full duplexAMBE+2™ Voice coder. – Data rates of 2.0 kbps to 9.6 kbps in 50 bps increments. – Variable FEC Rates 50 bps to 7.2 kbps.
– Vocoder configuration via configuration packets. – Compatible with, BlueDV, AMBE server, Dummy repeater etc.d. Instructions DVstick33 The DVMEGA DVstick33 is based on the AMBE3003. DVstick33 can do 3 channels transcoding for XLX systems. AMBE 3000 shield DVMEGA AMBE3000 shield fits on top of an Arduino MEGA. This board is equiped with a AMBE3000 Vocoder and PCM3500 Codec. The PCM3500 converts the analog microphone signal into a digital stream (PCM).
And that, conversely, the digital PCM stream is converted back into an analog audio signal. The digital PCM format is 8Khz with a depth of 16 bits. This would be an amount of data of 128000 bits per second.
Not suitable to be sent via a 4800 bps radio connection. The AMBE3000 Vocoder makes of 128000 bps a digital signal of 3600 bps.
This is the voice information and error correction codes. These error correction codes make it possible to restore a signal which arrives corrupted at the receiver station up to a certain level. Block diagram.