Gameguard Lineage 2 Download
Disable GameGuard on Lineage 2 Ertheia & Infinite Odyssey Earthaia - Infinite O.
Basic information: This bot is undetectable by GameGuard/Kasha/Frost. If you know how GameGuard works, you can easily check for yourself that GameGuard is completly unaware that the bot is running. There is NO packet-injection, NO memory-injection, NO GameGuard disabling. This of-course doesnt mean you cant get banned.
Botting 24/7 or being reported by someone will still easily get you. This bot WILL work on any L2 server, GoD, Gracia, Official or private, it doesnt matter.
This bot WILL NOT work on 32bit systems, Win Vista/7 64bit are required. What can this bot do?
You can set-up your own rotation of 3 skills with various cast and cooldown timers. Skills are prioritazed depending on which ones are on cooldown and which ones are not. A system to engage an unreachangle mob is implemented for mellee classes - use the 'Long Range Pull' ability. If the bot is unable to get to your target it will use this ability. If its still unable to engage the target, or you dont have a long range ability configured, the target is canceled. Adobe photoshop cc 2014 free download full version 64 bit torrent.
Stuck detection - the bot will detect if its stuck and shutdown L2 and itself in this case. This will happen if the bot is unable to engage 3 mobs in a row. This is not an ideal solution, but for now, it has to do.
Healing/Mana recharge abilities are implemented if your HP/Mana fall below a certain limit. If your healing/mana spell requires self targeting, use a self-target macro. Looting is implemented and working for all items. Autoshutdown of the bot and L2 at configured time is implemented. Moblists - moblists are used if there are no mobs in you immidiate vicinity. Create a moblist, load it, add names of the mobs in your area (partial names are enough), save the moblist and the bot will try to target all of the mobs on the list untill it gets a target.
Background mode - fully working! The only limitation is that the Lineage II window NOT be minimized. Minimizing L2 and botting will NOT work. Important notes: - Botting with L2 window not having focus or in background mode requires that you disable the 'Decrease Background Performance' setting in game menu in Lineage II options. - Buffs require that you enable 'Enter Chat' in shortcuts menu in Lineage II options. Download the launcher, put it in a folder and run it. The bot is self-updating, so if there is an update, you will get it next time you launch the bot.
How does the bot work? As there is no packet or memory interactions between the bot and the client/server. The bot uses pixel analizing to detect things happening and keystroke and mouseclick sends to the L2 window to keep things going. All this with GameGuard enabled, and as mentioned, if you know how GameGuard works, you can easily check that it is completly unaware of the bot running. Of course, this method has many drawbacks and means that this bot will probably never be as advanced as say walker.