Installing Non Mortise Hinge


The hinges are exactly what I needed and worked well for my application. When I reinstall the hinges after painting I'm going to need to replace all the screws since the heads on a large percentage of them stripped out on the initial installation. A note on the service I received in the Portland, Maine store: the gentleman who assisted me was great, turns out the size hinges I needed was being pulled from their retail outlets and going to catalog sales only. He had to dig through a couple of large tote bins filled with a couple of hundred assorted hinges and managed to find enough to fill my requirements. It would have been a lot quicker and less effort on his part to just refer me to the catalog. Another plus was that once we had the pile of the correct size hinges I needed, they were on sale for 60% off and saved me about $30.

Vs retail price in the catalog. Very satisfied store customer. I used these hinges on an entertainment center with three inset glass doors.

The process that follows for installing a no-mortise hinge covers typical installation where the door is inset in a basic cabinet. But you can use a no-mortise hinge for other types of installations. Since there aren’t any mortises to help align the door and case with each other, you’ll need another method.

This is my first experience building and installing doors. Two of the doors would not close completely until I removed the set screw in the edge of the door. One of the hinges was bent when it arrived and had to be worked on my anvil to get it flat. One door still does not close perfectly.

May be my construction but I feel the bad hinge may be the problem. I guess I should have returned the bad hinge. The wrap around section of the hinge for the door appeared to be less than 90 degrees which could have caused the problem with the door not closing. Quality control seemed to be lacking.

BEST ANSWER: This type of hinge is designed for use with Typical 3/4' Face frames -- also can be used for 1/2' doors in smaller application. BEST ANSWER: This type of hinge is designed for use with Typical 3/4' Face frames -- also can be used for 1/2' doors in smaller application.

Installing Hinges Look around and take note of the number of hinges that you encounter in your daily activities. From the time you get up in the morning until you pull away from the curb on the way to work you'll encounter hinges everywhere - on the bathroom door, refrigerator, the kitchen cabinets, the front gate and even getting into your car. Each and every hinge is specifically designed to serve a unique purpose and they all look vastly different from each other.

Yet they all serve the same function. Hinges have been designed for almost every conceivable situation. The variety of hinges available to the woodworker is staggering indeed, and selecting the right hinge and installing it correctly can be a challenge. In most cases, hardware is installed during the final phase of construction after much time has been invested in the project; this is definitely not the time to make a mistake in choosing or installing the hardware. Tancuyuschij medvedj dlya winamp windows 7. Even though the hinges are installed after the project is complete, you should choose the hinges early in the design phase and purchase them at the same time as the lumber for the project. Some hinges, such as knife hinges, require you to locate and cut the mortises before the case is assembled, so it is best to work from the actual hardware when laying out the location and size of the mortises. Hinges allow one part of a project to move relative to another, a door on a cabinet or a lid on a box for example.