Oboi Na Rabochij Stol Ogonj V Kamine
Similar words: (1.00) (1.00) (1.00) (1.00) (0.50) haDA High Availability Disk Array, diskovaya matrica s vysokim koefficientom gotovnosti haL; *1. Hard Array Logic; *2. House Programmed Array Logic; *3. Hardware Abstraction Layer, abstraktnyi uroven' apparatnyh sredstv haSP 1> paketnaya operacionnaya sistema dlya EVM serii IBM/360; (Ot Houston Automatic Spooling Programm). Habakkuk 1> _bibl. Avvakum hades 1> _grech. Gades, Aid, bog podzemnogo carstva 2> _grech.
Gades, podzemnoe carstvo, carstvo tenei 3> (tzh. Ad, preispodnyaya _Id: to have as much c hance as an icicle in hades ne imet' nikakih shansov; _Id: go to hades! Idi k chertu!; _Id: w hat the hades? Kakogo cherta?; _Id: w hat the hades do you think you are doing? Chto ty, chert zoz'mi, delaesh'?
Hadrian noun = Adrian hague noun g. Gaaga haifa noun g. Haifa hainan noun o-v Hainan' haiti noun Gaiti haitian 1> gaityanin; gaityanka _Ex: the haitians _sobir. Gaityane 2> gaityanskii hakenkreuz 1> _nem. Svastika hakodate noun g. Hakodate hal noun- dim. Of Henry Hel halaphone 1> elektronnoe ustroistvo dlya polucheniya special'nyh muzykal'nyh effektov (firmennoe nazvanie) halcyone 1> _grech.
Alkiona (doch' Eola) halifax noun g. Galifaks hallow-e'en 1> _shotl.
Kanun dnya vseh svyatyh, 31 oktyabrya hallowe'en noun scot.- amer. Kanun dnya vseh svyatyh halloween 1> _shotl. Kanun dnya vseh svyatyh, 31 oktyabrya hallowmas 1> _cerk. Den' vseh svyatyh ham 1> _bibl.
Ham hamburg 1> gamburgskii muskat 2> gamburgskaya poroda melkih kur-nesushek 3> bifshteks po-gamburgski hamburg(h) noun; 1) sort chernogo vinograda; 2) gamburgskaya poroda kur hamburgh 1> gamburgskii muskat 2> gamburgskaya poroda melkih kur-nesushek 3> bifshteks po-gamburgski hamilton noun g. Gamil'ton hamite 1> _bibl. Potomok Hama 2> hamit, egipetskii ili afrikanskii predstavitel' negrityanskoi rasy hamitic 1> hamitskii _Ex: hamitic languages hamitskie yazyki hamito-Semitic 1> hamito-semitskii _Ex: hamito-Semitic languages hamito-semitskie yazyki hamitoid 1> _antr.
0.6 /news/filmy/526526-plazmennyj-kamin-hd-plasma-kamin-h.html 2011-01-25.
Hamitskii; hamitoidnyi hamlet 1> _lit. Gamlet _Id: hamlet without the prince (of Denmark) 'Gamlet' bez princa datskogo; chto-l. Lishennoe samoi svoei suti hamming code 1> kod Hemminga. Ispol'zuemyi pri peredache i hranenii dannyh kod s ispravleniem oshibok. Kod Hemminga obespechivaet ispravlenie oshibki v odnom bite i obnaruzhenie oshibok v dvuh bitah. Hampshire 1> gempshir (poroda ovec) hancock 1> _am.
(sobstvennoruchnaya) podpis' _Ex: give me your hancock raspishites' (Dzh.Henkok pervym podpisal Deklaraciyu Nezavisimosti) handsel Monday 1> pervyi ponedel'nik goda hannah noun = Anna hanoi noun g. Hanoi hanover 1> Gannover 2> Gannover (predstavitel' dinastii) _Ex: the House of hanover Gannoverskaya dinastiya hanoverian 1> zhitel' Gannovera 2> _ist. Predstavitel' Gannoverskoi dinastii 3> gannoverskii, otnosyashiisya k Gannoveru 4> _ist. Gannoverskii, otnosyashiisya k Gannoverskoi dinastii hans 1> (_sokr. Ot Jo hannes) Gans 2> _razg. Nemec, gollandec 3> _ust. Ganza, Ganzeiskii soyuz hansard 1> oficial'nyi otchet o zasedaniyah angliiskogo parlamenta 2> _ist.
Chlen Ganzeiskogo soyuza hansardize 1> pred'yavlyat' chlenu parlamenta ego prezhnie zayavleniya (po oficial'nym otchetam) hanse 1> _ist. Ganza, Ganzeiskii soyuz hanseatic 1> _ist. Ganzeiskii _Ex: the hanseatic leaque Ganzeiskii soyuz hansen's disease 1> prokaza hants hampshire noun Gempshir (grafstvo v Anglii) hanukkah 1> _dr-evr. Hanuka (religioznyi prazdnik) harare noun g. Harare harijan 1> haridzhan, neprikasaemyi (v Indii) harlemite 1> zhitel' Garlema; urozhenec Garlema harley Street noun ulica v Londone, gde raspolozheny kabinety preuspevayushih vrachei- fig.
Vrachi, medicinskaya professiya harmonia 1> _grech. Garmoniya harmonic 1> _muz.
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Garmonicheskii prizvuk, oberton 2> flazholet 3> _fiz. Garmonika 4> garmonicheskii, garmonichnyi; stroinyi 5> muzykal'nyi, melodichnyi 6> _muz.
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