Purebasic Serial Port Example
Purebasic serial port example R cemment, je me suis mis au Purebasic, gr ce Ombre. Ainsi, jai pu OpenConsole() ConsoleTitle ( PureBasic - Console Example )Popularity Tags industrial, device server, serial ports, ethernet File Transfer,gsm gprs Modem Usb,net Class Library,replace Mscomm,9-bit.
Hello Everyone I have decided to jump right into the PC side of serial communication and create a new serial terminal. This serial terminal will be created with Visual C++ 6.0, using the Microsoft Foundation Classes, and providing that I can upload the associated file types, I will also make it an open source project. As a template for this project, I will be using the source code which can be found at this page: Considering that I value the suggestions and opinions of forum members, I am seeking very specific information. • What are the PRO's of the current Parallax Serial Terminal? • What are the CON's of the current Parallax Serial Terminal?
• What kind of capabilities would you like with a new serial terminal? This project will not contain or depend on.NET. Ok, this is a personal preference that works well for my applications, but here goes. Kiz uzatuga tilekter. The best terminal I have seen is Tera Term. See: (I'm not sure if this is the official site) And the best text editor I have found is Edit Plus 3 I did pay $20 cash money for this years ago but it has been well worth it. The main things I do in the Propeller environment are working with forth and FemtoBasic's variation DongleBasic.
I use a combination of Tera Term and Edit+. All my editing, software development, and other things are in Edit+.
I setup Tera Term for my preferred serial parameters. I setup Tera Term for my preferred terminal emulation, usually VT100 with a fixed font. Now here is the cool part!!!! Highlight any text source in Edit+ or from any other source which puts it in the clipboard. Place the cursor on the terminal window and click the right hand mouse button. The clipped characters now get entered just as though entered by hand.
I also can send the VT100 escape code commands to move the terminal cursor around the screen. To be fair there is a lot more in Tera Term like TCP/IP but I don't use this. Give it a try and see what you think. Especially the clipboard thing. Phil I will give you a nice serial terminal, without.NET. I am sure you will like it when I am done.
This will be a much easier project than a new Propeller Tool. Best service ethno world 3 serial. I figure within a week or two, I should have a nice serial terminal with a great GUI. Additionally, I can't state this for certain, but I am going to attempt to make this project similar to a Microsoft Excel workbook in the manner that all comm ports will be shown as tabs at the bottom of the page instead of 'Sheets'. So all you will have to do is just click a tab for a certain port and you will have access to it.
There are a lot of available settings, take a peek at the screenshots below Bruce. I just learned that a favorite C++ programmer and author died on 9/3/2008, his name was Paul DiLascia. What a bummer, this guy was good. I only mention it because I was researching a window control that he wrote to add the Microsoft Excel tab like characteristics to a C++ application, which I intend to use for this project.
That really bums me out and I am certain his contributions to the C++ community will be sorely missed. He will live on through this new serial terminal by his contribution of the tab control. Bruce EDIT: In case any of you might be interested, here is a link to where he introduces the tab control. What do you intend the terminal be used for?
What will it so that's special? Just a dumb terminal? If so what's the point? What does the Parallax terminal do that's special? I didn't think it was even useful especially since I have experienced a really good one in Tera Term.
Once you have used the clipboard thing to download a whole program several times in a couple of minutes including the editing you will be hooked. Another 'feature', actually its just part of clipping, is one can include program commands along with the program.
You can really do a lot of stuff. Here is an example snippet: NEW clears memoy Then the program that is loaded (This is only a snippet) RUN starts the program Then the series of numbers are inputs to the running program. Some are commands and some are numeric values.