Contoh Surat Memohon Sumbangan Programa
Contoh Surat Ppda - Semarak Aspirasi via Surat Memohon Kebenaran via Permohonan Sumbangan/penajaan Program Universiti Untuk via Surat Pulang Cek via Dokumen: Contoh Surat Permohonan Tajaan - S K E M A via
Dear - - -: Your application for the position has been received. Xone k2 traktor mapping xone. We are presently in the process of reviewing each applicants resume. Due to the high level of interest in the position, we will not be able to interview every applicant. A review of each application will be made to determine which of the applicants will be invited to come for a n interview. Objective criteria, based upon the duties of ----, are being used for this review process We anticipate that we will be b ack in touch with you within the next (weeks/months) to inform you of the results of this process.
We appreciate your patience, and hope you can understand our desire to ensure that every applicant receives full consideration.