Shrift Matrichnogo Printera

Sinsemilla 26.08.16 12:08 comment6, onlain_proektirovanie_kvartiry, syfv,


Word History: To be given short shrift is not the blessing it once was. The source of our verb shrive (shrove, shriven) and noun shrift, which have technical meanings from ecclesiastical Latin, is Classical Latin scrībere, 'to write.' Shrive comes from the Old English verb scrīfan, 'to decree, decree after judgment, impose a penance upon (a penitent), hear the confession of.' The past participle of scrīfan is scrifen, our shriven. The noun shrift, 'penance; absolution,' comes from Old English scrift with the same meaning, which comes from scrīptus, the perfect passive participle of scrībere, and means 'what is written,' or, to use the Latin word, 'what is prescribed.'

Theologians and confessors viewed the sacrament of penance as a prescription that cured a moral illness. In early medieval times penances were long and arduous—lengthy pilgrimages and even lifelong exile were not uncommon—and had to be performed before absolution, not after as today. However, less demanding penances could be given in extreme situations; short shrift was a brief penance given to a person condemned to death so that absolution could be granted before execution. Short shrift.

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